誠信經營質量保障價格合理服務完善安捷倫 Agilent HP R4136 頻普分析儀 頻率范圍:500Hz~23GHz輸入阻抗:50歐大輸入:0VDC 30dBm
安立 Anritsu MS710A 頻譜分析儀 DESCRIPTIONThe MS710A Spectrum Analyzer was developed to incorporage high performance, easy operation and compactness in a single unit. It has a wide frequency range of 100kHz
安立 Anritsu MS710F 頻譜分析儀 20Hz-18GHz 頻譜分析儀(8555A) 10KHz-21GHz 可編程頻譜分析儀(2755AP) 50GHz-75GHz 毫米波測試裝置(V85104A/11974-60028)9KHz-22GHz 頻譜分析儀(8562A) 100Hz-22GHz 頻譜分析儀(8566B+85662A) 26.5GHz 頻譜分析儀(E4407B)100Hz
Agilent HP 8566B+85662A 頻譜分析儀 Description: The Agilent HP 8566B is a refurbished Spectrum Analyzer.Product Specs:100 Hz to 22 GHz coverage with synthesizer accuracy 2 to 22 GHz preselected range Meas
Agilent HP 8566A 頻譜分析儀 DESCRIPTIONThe 8566A Spectrum Analyzer is a high-performance unit for bench and HP-IB use. The instrument operates of a 100Hz to 22GHz internal mixing range with preselection f
Agilent HP 8564E 頻譜分析儀 8560E 系列頻譜分析儀8560E系列便攜式頻譜分析儀具有通常在較大型且更昂貴的臺式分析儀上才有的測量能力和性能。8560E系列把杰出的相位噪聲、靈敏度、1Hz的分辨帶寬和大的動態范圍等功能組合在一個堅固的3類君用機箱中,從而使之能適應惡劣的環境條件。適用于RF通信的功能
泰克 Tektronix 2755AP 可編程頻譜分析儀 2755AP Portable Pprogrammable Spectrum Analyser, laboratory version of the“Tektronix 492AP“ , 10kHz ... 21GHz (325GHz with an external mixer), from 100Hz ... 3MHz resolut